Monday, September 22, 2014


I actually made a Netvibes when Dr. Preston mentioned it thinking "Hey! I can use this because I have so many things I need to look at on the Internet! It will save time and looks cool." I go make my dashboard put all my sites I check.....and then I never go on it because I thought it was easier to just do what I normally do. It's hard for me to change my habits. I do keep a ongoing list of things in my planner, so maybe I will gradually get to using Netvibes but right now since what I am doing is working I think I'll stick to it. Oh I even titled it "STAY FOCUSED. WE HAVE GOALS."

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Phonar14 Video

Some notes & quotes I got from this lecture...

Phonar14 Video
-About Photography for your ears
-You can take a picture or post a picture but you need passion to understand a picture
-About how to portray a story within photography
-Rambling about photography
-Thinking about how you portray ideas
-I really liked the quote "If you want to change the world you have to start describing it differently."
-"Your voice is one of the voices but not the voice"
-One picture does not tell the whole story but part of it

Phonar14 to Canterbury Tales 
-People have different perspectives
-Look at the bigger picture because there are a lot of stories
-Chaucer is the Father of English Literature

This is definitely rambling and nonlinear!

Friday, September 19, 2014

CANTERBURY TALES (I) + other notes

Bede Notes textbook pages 74-82

  • Five languages and four nations within Britain: English, British, Scots, and Picts and Latin made them unify and study in god and faith
  • Writing about English history and most illiterate during period 
  • Britain first inhabited by the Britons who crossed from Armorica, located in the South.
  • Ireland is the largest island after Britain which lies in the west, Picts sett in the North.
  • Picts aligned with the Scots 
  • Nice weather and seasons and Isle seen as area of no poison and water can cure it, also abundant in food (fish, etc) 
  • Geoffrey Chaucer: page to the wife of Lionel of Antewerp, a son of the ruler, Edward III, Chaucer was introduced to the English monarch, Married a lady in waiting of the queen.
  • Chaucer had early poems based on works of European poets such as The Book of the Duchess
  • Possibly inspired to write from his pilgrimage to Canterbury
  • Incorporates speech and eloquence to English literature
The Canterbury Tales - (pgs. 95-115)
  • “AABB” rhyming pattern throughout the poem/tale
  • Each major form of medieval literature told through each character that relates to his or her personalities, narrator describes the start of spring; around this time of the year is when people begin to go on a pilgrimage
  • The narrator desires to visit the relics of Saint Thomas Beckett in Canterbury Cathedral and he describes the start of his journey, as he joins a diverse group who happen to be taking the same journey and he then goes on to describing each traveler (29 total) who are all very different
  • A story of stories with the bigger story being the pilgrimage to Canterbury
  • Basically the story is about pilgrims were going to Canterbury to worship at the tomb of Thomas A becket who had been killed by a King of England because he wouldn't do something that was against his religion. As they walked along they each told a story, and Chaucer, the author, wrote down those poems. 
  • Pilgrims include: a knight, the squire, the yeoman, a prioress, a second nun, a monk, a friar, a merchant, a clerk, a man of the law, a franklin, a weaver, a dyer, a carpenter, a tapestry-maker, a haberdasher, a cook, a shipman, a physician, a parson, a miller, a manciple, a reeve, a summoner, a pardoner, the wide of a bath, and Chaucer. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

SMART Goal & Time Investment Portfolio (TIP)

I did these 2 activities in my Honors English class sophomore year, so I am going to use them as examples and update & change them to my goal as of now. 


Specific: My goal is to to a 4 year university, such as the colleges that are listed on this blog post and major in Business.  I then would like to transfer or attend after my 4 years to the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles. Some factors that came into play when making this my plan after High School is how close it was to home, the in-state tuition, and the location for what connections I want to make with different influential people. I also really want to have some sort of regular college experience and that is why I want to go to a 4 year before I go specific. I want to do something with fashion, maybe fashion stylist or buyer or grow my own successful company such as Sophia Amoruso!

Measurable: This is definitely something I want to do and I couldn't see myself doing anything else. Some things I will be doing to make this happen is try to get into a college and then to meet people that I could have connections with in the future. I will also for the fashion part that I already do is study my blogs, magazines, and books. I also might want to get a job at a clothing store.

Achievable: To obtain this I will need to start saving money, so I a have a job and I am some what saving money. I am also looking into scholarships and financial aid and if I really have to, I will be looking into student loans.

Reachable: When I say that I have accomplished my goal I will have a job in the fashion industry, but that will just mean that I finished this goal and others will be sure to come after this.

Timely: To get this goal accomplished I have already been shopping and looking at styles and trends everywhere from school, the streets, and the internet. I also have been buying and reading books on fashion, color theory, and fashion history. I am also subscribed to a lot of fashion magazines. I want to learn more about how to help different people with different personalities that want to be styled and helped with their fashion trends and clothing. This goal is so huge, I don't think I can predict the time.


I am now looking at my project for this from freshman year and man how much have I loaded up on work since then; a ton more ASB & Special Olympics responsibilities and I now have a job.

I believe I spend half of my time passing time (R + R, using the bathroom, sleeping, and traveling to place to place) and I can't really do anything about that because I need to do that. The other half of the time I then literally spend it selling time (going to school, getting something out of it). The other two categories of Giving Time and Spending Time is not in my life right now.


So i just posted a post about my masterpiece and big question but I think I should elaborate on it more than I already have. I wanted to talk about Sophia Amoruso the author of "#GIRLBOSS", I really have gotten to like her a lot. I found out about her because I followed the Nasty Gal Store social media sites and some celebrities that have worn their clothing and I searched her and she had an incredible story. She started a well known fashion store called Nasty Gal and was named the "Fastest Growing Retailer." She originally launched her online store on ebay in San Francisco selling old vintage pieces of clothing that she thought was authentic. She bought the clothes and items from second hand stores and even found an authentic Chanel jacket at a Salvation Army Store for $8 and sold it for more than $1000 and by 2007 she was known by 60,000 people. And get this Nasty Gal's first hire was through Craiglist!!! And all this information can be found on Nasty Gal's Wikipedia! Sophia Amoruso is the definition of what the all American dream looks like and she is definitely an inspiration & a role model to me. She captures all the three elements of what I want my masterpiece is going to be about: Feminists, Leadership, & Fashion. Her website says it all! Her foundation is amazing and fashion sense is original! I need to just sit and look at her website when I have time but everything I've seen so far is incredible! So this relating to the masterpiece, I have no idea how she even relates to what I even want to do with my masterpiece but I think she is a great muse for thinking of what I can do with my masterpiece. I'M BUYING HER BOOK RIGHT NOW. WHOOP WHOOP.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Big Question & Masterpiece in the making???

My big question and masterpiece is really changing and/ or evolving everyday. I know what subjects I want to do my project on but I don't know how I want to pull it in all together to make it one masterpiece. This is what I know: Feminism, Leadership, & Fashion. Putting all these subjects together could be a big question of, Can women be all three and do well at it? Or what should my question be? I need help evolving my question? I know some fashion icons that relate such as Rachel Zoe (stylist, editor, and designer) and Sophia Amoruso (building/built the foundation of #GIRLBOSS and creator of clothing store Nasty Gal). I would definitely want to become like them in my future. I just don't know how I can make this a project.


Iv'e been using the website and I found a few that are small amounts of money, but hey it all adds up in the end. I will need scholarship money to attend a college (Colleges I would like to attend in past post). 

Monday, September 15, 2014

vocabulary: fall list 4

Obsequious: Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
ex- They were served by obsequious waiters. 
Beatitude: Supreme blessedness
ex- All children give the same amount of beatitude.
Bete Noire: Detested Person (disliked or avoided) 
ex- The hamburger was the Bete Noire for vegetarians. 
Bode: An oman for a particular outcome 
ex- The palm reader boded that she live a happy fortunate life. 
Dank: cold, damp, and musty
ex- The swamp was damp. 
Ecumenical: Related to all, universal
ex- Today's discussion was ecumenical, because it involved personal opinions. 
Fervid:Intensely enthusiastic or passionate
ex-The horse had a fervid nature 
Fetid: Smelling extremely unpleasant
ex- Ashley's lack of using deodorant left her puts fetid. 
Gargantuan: Great mass 
ex- John's nose was gargantuan. 
Heyday: Period of a person's or thing's greatest success or popularity
ex- Henry will probably never achieve a moment of true heyday in his life time.
Incubus: Cause of distress of anxiety like a nightmare
ex- Jojo is a incubus.
Infrastructure: Basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation
ex- The hospital was deemed infrastructure for the fifth year in a row.
Inveigle: To persuade (someone) to do something  by means of deception or flattery
ex- I inveigled Jonny to drink  the water. 
Kudos: Praise and honor received for an achievement
ex-Kudos to Jhaicelle for throwing away the trash that was left on the floor. 
Lagniappe: Something given as a bonus or extra gift
ex- If Jen was nice she'd get me a lagniappe for being such a fabulous friend. 
Prolix: Using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy
ex- I'm pretty sure Kelly's vocabulary sentences are painfully prolix. 
Protege: A person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege''s career
ex- When he left the orchestra, the position of conductor went to his longtime protege. 
Prototype: First or preliminary model of something, esp. a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied
ex- The prototype was just created therefore it wont be long until the product is released on shelves. 
Sycophant: A person who acts obsequiously toward someone in order to gain advantage; a servile flatterer.
ex- Amanda is a perfect example of a sycophant.
Tautology: The Saying of the same thing twice in different words
ex- Some of my teachers use tautology when speaking with me as if I am unintelligent. 
Truckle: To submit or behave obsequiously
ex- I try to make Crystal truckle in class. 

"The Color Purple" By Alice Walker Literature Analysis

1.) Briefly summarize the plot of  the novel you read according to the elements of plot you've learned in past courses (exposition, inciting incident, etc.). Explain how the narrative fulfills the author;s purpose (based on your well-informed interpretation of same.)

The story starts with Celie describing herself negatively and how she is a good girl. We then find out her age and how her father raped her and she had his two children, she believes that her children are dead or Alphonso went out and sold them. Celie's father set up her and her new husband together not her sister Nettie, and her husband is just as abusive as her father, Pa. Then later in the story Shug, her husband's lover shows up and treats Celie harshly at first but then later they become closer and establish a friendship where her and Celie talk about love and why Celie lets her husband beat her. Shug has conversations with Celie in conversations that help her express her feelings. Shug helps Celie find letter from her sister Nettie, who was thought to be dead, but Albert her husband was keeping them from Celie. Celie finds out where her children and sister are and eventually finds out that Alphonso isn't her real dad. Celie ends up moving with Shug and Grady to Memphis. When Alphonso dies she gets the land.

Exposition: At the very beginning of story when she describes herself and the events leading up to where she is now. ex. page 6,"He beat me today cause he say I winked at a boy in church."

Inciting Incident: When Celie witnesses Sofia and Shug stand up to their partners, Albert and Harpo

Conflict: Celie verses her obedient/ submissive role

Climax: When Celie stands up and expresses her own thoughts when talking to Albert and Shug didn't expect it either.

Resolution: Celie gets enough confidence, she finds herself and gets what is truly hers, the land

2.) Succinctly describe the theme of the novel. Avoid cliches.

There are two themes of the novel that are very apparent to me, one theme is that it builds big circles around female relationships. The second theme is sexism, this is described in many scenes and example is from page 23 "... his daddy why he beat me. Mr.____ say, Cause she my wide, Plus, she stubborn."

3.) Descibe the author's tone. Include a minimum of three excerpts that illustrate your point(s). 

"Dear God,..." (religious) Prayers are usually very personal and one's inner thoughts. 

"Dear Nettie,..." (personal) The letter were intended for her sister's eyes only.

"Is she the same old Shug like in my picture? How her hair is? What kind lipstick? Wig? She stout? She skinny? She sound well? Tired? Sick? (curious) Celie is intrigued with Shug since she captivated men. 

4.) Descibe a minimum of ten literary elements/ techniques you observed that strengthened your understanding of the author's purpose, the text's theme and/or your sense of the tone. For each, please include textual support to help illustrate the point for your readers. (Please include edition and page numbers for easy reference.)

Symbolism: The color purple represents all the good things God created in life for man. 

Dialect: Demonstrates how common people held conversations before woman had gained the same equal rights. (page 3) "by the then I git back from the well, the water be warm."

Comparison: Signifies her idea of Shug and the resemblance Shug has Of people important to Celie. (page 55) "I work on her like she a doll or like she Olivia- or like she Mama."

Syntax: Helps Descibe the time period in the early 20th century 

Oxymoron: "Hm, she say, look like a little fat white woman was on one." (page 123) 

Setting: Georgia in early 20th century; small Afircan town in early 20th century 

Personification: "For six months the heavens and the winds abused the people of Olinka." (page 159) 

Tone: Not a funny novel, experiences hardship, sadness, and tradegy.

Repetition: "You ast yourself one question, it lead to fifteen. I start to wonder why us need love. Why us suffer. Why us black. Why us men and women." (page 289) 

Satire: The writing of letters to a white God, when she experienced horror at the hands of white men. 

1.) Descibe two examples of direct characterization and two examples of indirect characterization. Why does the author use both approaches, and to do what end (I.e., what is your lasting impression of the character as a result)? 

"I am fourteen years old. I am I have always been a good girl. (page 1) 
Celie's mentality is like this through the whole book and she is very submissive to all men she encounters. 

"I'm big." (page 3) 
Celie sees herself in a negative light, who feels useless or ugly. 

"And us run off to my room like two little prankish girls" (page 82) 
The course of the story Celie progresses and opens up to Shug 

"He beats me today cause he say I winked at a boy in church." (page 6) 
Describes Alphonso as a character, he is dominate to all aspects of Celie. 

2.) Does the author's syntax and/or diction change when s/he focuses on character? How? Example(s)? 

I believe eh author uses a sort of syntax that matures while Celie in story grows older. 

3.) Is the protagonist static or dynamic? Flag or round? Explain. 

Celie is a round character due to the changes she endures over the course of the book. At the beginning of the book she was an adolescent who didn't know what was right and wrong and at the end of the book she is woman who can expresse her thoughts and feelings. 

4.) After reading the book did you come away feeling like you'd met a person or read a character? Analyze one textual example that illustrates your reaction. 

After readin this book, I felt so much compassion for Celie. I felt as if I was with her as she grew up in the story. Her difficult past and her attachment to one person draws to me as a reader. I really loved the part of the book when it says "Some women can't be beat, I say." (page 66) This quote represents how some women of this time refused to be submissive and break the barrier. 


Learn at my own pace. 
Learn about subjects that I am interested in. 
To never stop learning. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Why are feminists scary?

Start typing in "Feminists" in the Google search bar...

What comes up? 

Feminists are: Life 

The dictionary definition of a feminism from Merriam-Webster is "The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes; Organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests." One out of the five words that come up is some what positive but then the other four are very irrelevant; annoying, stupid, ugly, and sexist. Just wondering what does the dictionary definition of feminism has to do with those four words at all? They are very discriminating. Why does our society think when we say feminists or feminism get all one sided? Like celebrities sometimes do. People often think of the words to be very extreme, why do we think that way? Can we please change that? Some might call me a feminist just because I like to feel empowered to do whatever I want and believe that I can and I am a woman. Why don't men have a word about them that is very extreme? It's because our foundation was built on men conducting and making the rules for our country, but think about it, Who was the back bone behind the whole dynamic of the making of this nation? Women. They were the ones at home, holding down the fort and helping their husbands in their time of needs. The whole controversy of being a feminist or not is dumb and I don't think the word should even exist. Women that want to feel empowered and important shouldn't be labeled this, they should be labeled as people just like men. Feminists are not life because empowering yourself and others, both men and women are. Feminists are not annoying they are just trying to stand up for themselves and others, so if standing up for something is annoying then I'll be annoying any day.  Feminists are not stupid because they are fighting for equality just like everybody else. Feminists are ugly?! THIS STATEMENT IS SO IRRELEVANT TO FEMINISTS IN GENERAL, whoever is googling this must be "ugly" inside. Feminists are not sexist just because they think women should feel empowered and have the same rights as men, that just means they are smart.  I believe we all want to feel empowered and important so what is this deal about believing in the feminism. Don't we all want to feel good and great about our self, so don't be scared of feminists, believe in the idea of it, throw out the word, and stop goolgling feminists are ugly. 

Vocabulary: Fall List #3

Accolade: Any award, honor, or laudatory  notice.
Ex:I have received many accolades from my high school.
Acerbity: Harshness or severity, as of temper or expression.
Ex: I sense acerbity in their writing.
Attrition: A wearing down or weakening of resistance, especially as a result of continuos pressure or harassment.
Ex: The more you grind your teeth, the more they will attrite.
Bromide: A platitude or trite saying; a person who is platitudinous and boring.
Ex: We continually hear that education is the bromide that will solve everything.
Chauvinist: A person who is aggressively and blindly patriotic, especially one devoted to military glory; a person who believes one gender is superior to the other, as a male chauvinist or a female chauvinist.
Ex: Then man was extremely chauvinistic in his comments on the lady's strength.
Chronic: Continuing a long time or recurring frequently.
Ex: I had chronic heart problems due to too much smoking.
Expound: To set forth or state in detail; to explain; interpret.
Ex: The man expounded how to set up my blog, and it helped.
Factionalism: of a faction or factions.
Ex: Frequent internal splits have produced great factionalism.
Immaculate: Free from fault of flaw; free from errors; spotless, clean.
Ex: The dress was immaculate.
Imprecation: The act of imprecating; cursing.
Ex: The boy avoided the imprecation that was his teacher's long lectures, rants.
Ineluctable: Incapable of being evaded; inescapable
Ex: The man had an ineluctable fate.
Mercurial: Changeable; volatile; fickle; erratic
Ex: The bomb was extremely mercurial.
Palliate: To relieve or lessen without cursing; mitigate; alleviate.
Ex: Applying pressure to an open wound palliates the pain.
Protocol: The customs and regulation dealing with diplomatic formality, precedence, and etiquette.
Ex: It was protocol to clock in everyday before beginning work.
Resplendent: shining brilliantly; gleaming; splendid.
Ex: The troops were resplendent in their white uniforms.
Stigmatize: To set some mark of disgrace or infamy upon.
Ex: The crimes of the father's stigmatized the whole family.
Sub Rosa: Confidentially; secretly; privately.
Ex: The man sent his message in sub rosa fashion.
Vainglory: Excessive elation or pride over one's own achievements, abilitie , etc,; boastful vanity.
Ex: The man's vainglory was very boastful.
Vestige: A mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence.
Ex: A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple.
Volition: The act of willing, choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing.
Ex: She left at her own volition. 

"Beowolf" Essay

                Feminism is the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. When feminists come into the picture, people get a little weary of what could come. If the epic poem "Beowolf" was told in a feminist perspective, I believe the story would drastically change. In our past history, women usually are not the center of the story but somewhere in the background and the story could involve or be the main theme of how women should not be allowed rights that men had in that time. Beowolf was a story of a heroic man and the narrator is a Christian man and I believe this story was passed down from the 8th and 10th century because of  both that. I bet there were other stories of women trying to break the norm from back then but didn't get passed down and if the story was told from a women's point of view, I would think it wouldn't get passed down either.

               Since the story was told from a man's perspective, the women in this story were all portrayed differently than I would see it, such as Grendel's mom. Grendel's mom was just trying to avenge her son's death, but we all saw it as evil doings, but why? Grendel's mother was trying to protect her own kids, and any mother would do that. Just that leaves a legacy for women. Women are essentially carers and birth givers for our planet and how all of us are even on this earth, but some could see women as causes of disasters and are shunned from the spotlight and never looked up as heros."Beowolf" narrated by a Christian women could be how scared she was of the characters (cliche) and maybe the story would portray Grendel's mother as I would see it. If this story was in the point of view of Grendel's mother, she would be the ultimate feminist of this story. 

Fashion Magazines have great life advice/ goals! WHATTT

Fashion magazines are not always useless and just full of non-realistic girls and useless fashion advice. I was reading one because I have a subscription to a few and I came across an article that had some great life advice/ goals, some may not apply to me or you but the highlighted ones I LOVED, i now have this article in my binder because I like it that much.

1) Getting married with your eight month old in a wagon as a flower girl.

2) 4 months' rent in the bank, student loans paid off, and 22 sires containing the words Southern France in your search history.

3) Knowing that nobody else's success or happiness makes or breaks yours.

4) Being one size on top and another on the bottom, and buying the best trends for each.

5) Reflexology with scalp massage 52 times a year.

6) Going to bed exhausted on Friday and waking up energized on Monday. Life goal, people. 

7) Having your diet coke with a side of fries.

8) Doing the conference call while your toenails dry.

9) Buying yourself a little diamond anything. 

10) Having the brain of Hilary Clinton, the womb of Angelina Jolie, the badassery of Olivia Pope, and What The What?! How about just some good genes from your parents, a solid education, and a really fun ringtone. 

11) Working for a company (or a person, possibly yourself) that gives you five mental health days aa year. 

12) Realizing that everyone who appears to "have it all" is making it up as they go along, just like you. 

If you are actually reading this Dr. Preston that last one (12) is definitely you, I have you figured out. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"sometimes I wish I was bored"

Senior year so far has just been so crazy for myself. With all these ASB events & officer duties, then my role in Special Olympics, my academic studies, social life/senior activities, working at jamba juice, extracurriculars/clubs/volunteering, family life and COLLEGES APPS & SCHOLARSHIPS have been very hard to balance out. I need to learn to balance everything, but that is impossible so I have to work on things that are most important to me. I saw the quote "sometimes I wish I was bored" in a movie about stress that Mr. Herman played in Health Class and I related it to my life. I'm pretty sure everyone has to learn to balance things out but I just thought it was a funny quote because who likes to be bored.


1. Accoutrements: Additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular item. 

ex-She never leaves her house without her accoutrements.
2. Apogee: The highest point of something. 
ex-The White House is considered the apogee of American achievement.
3. Apropos: Very appropriate to a particular situation.
ex-The writer's reference to the child's play was apropos.
4. Bicker: Argue about petty and trivial matters.
ex-My brother and I bicker over irrelevant items.
5. Coalesce: Come together and form one mass or whole.
ex-We made a coalesce to keep warm.
6. Contretemps: An unexpected and unfortunate occurrence.
ex-Seeing my evil step mother 
was a contretemps.

7. Convolution: A coil or twist, esp. one of many.
ex-Her art project had elaborate convolutions.
8. Cull: Select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources.

ex-You have to cull wisely, so you don't make a horrible choice.
9. Disparate: Essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison.
ex-An orange and a sandwich are very disparate.
10. Dogmatic: Inclined to lay down principle as incontrovertibly true.
ex-My brother speaks in a very dogmatic manner.
11. Licentious: Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters.
ex-The movie, Taken, is all about licentious and drug use on young girls.
12. Mete: Dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment.
ex-Terrorists should receive mete and no get off free.
13. Noxious: Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.
ex-Spiders can be very noxious when they bite you.
14. Polemic: A strong verbal, or written attack on someone or something.
ex-My sister experienced a polemic letter when she started dating this girls ex boyfriend.
15. Populous: Having a large population, densely populated.
ex-Sacramento is very populous and sometimes hard to drive through traffic.
16. Probity: The quality of having strong moral principles, honesty and decency.
ex-Some politicians aren't probity when they speak.
17. Repartee: Conversation or speech characterized by quick, witty comments or replies.
ex-When my friends and I have discussions, I respond with repartee.
18. Supervene: Occur later than a specified or implied event or action, typically in such a way as to change the situation.
ex-I hate to do supervened work when I just finished an assignment.
19. Truncate: Shorten by cutting off the top or the end.
ex-I want to truncate my sister's very long hair.
20. Unimpeachable: Not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized, entirely trustworthy.
ex-I believe that the bible is unimpeachable.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Notes: Pg. 2-14 & pg. 31-60

PAGES 2-14
Conquest of Britain
-Two groups of Celts: Brythons settled on Britain & Gaels settled in Ireland.
-Farmers and hunters, Organized in clans with loyalty, Priests settled disputes.
-Roman conquerers, like Julius Ceasar
-Next Anglo-Saxons, which were fishers who took over more of England. 
Coming Of Christianity
-Romans had accepted it. Although Rome fell, the religion/Celtic church didn't. They established monasteries, promoted peace, and helped to unify English people.after
Danish Invasion 
-Norway wanted Scotland, Whales, and Ireland. Denmark wanted Eastern/southern England. The vikings destroyed monasteries and killed people and England fallen to invaders. 
-King "Alfred the great" was throned, which split between Saxon and Danish territory.
-King preserved danish lifestyle and then Edward became king.
The Norman Conquest 
-Descendants of vikings. Then next came Harold II, but he was killed by William who rightfully took the throne he was promised. The everything shifted from Saxon to Norman lifestyle. 
The Reign of the Plantagenets 
-Henry II founded House of Plant and he had a conflict with the church. 
The Magna Carta 
-Richard I, military expeditions over seas. King John inherited his debt, taxed people, but people resisted, brought brinks to civil war and they made the Magna Carta which was a constitutional Government in England. 
Lancasters, Yorks, And Tudors
-Then came three henry kings of Lanc. Yorks conflicted with them, known as Wars of Rose and they fought over the throne.
Decline of the Feudal System 
-After the plague, labor work increased, which got treated badly and the peasants revolted. 
-But the cause faded, and the fight for social injustices would come again
-Anglo-Saxon-reciting of poems and they focused on heroes, or deaths of loved ones. 
-English Middle Ages-dramas emerged. Chaucer depicted medieval life, knights, love deeds, outlaws. 
-advancements in printing lead to widespread literature productions
-Romances, Lyrics, and Ballads
English Language
-Derived from low germanic tongue from Saxons.
-Modeled from more sophisticated words from other languages like Latin and Greens
-Mixed with french from Normans and now called Middle English
-The Exeter Book- Collection of manuscripts that included pieces of oral tradition. Properly compiled by monks during Alfred the great's reign. "Seafarer", "Wanderer" and "Wife's Lament" all came from book. Inspired through Anglo-Saxons. 

PAGES 31-60 
-Tristia had moved from her mother country, Dardanian Troy, when it was attacked by the Grecian Army.
-Now in the Pontus, feels like the days go by like years
-Despises the common theme of death races (referring to gladiator games and/or the continuous war between the Romans and their enemies)
-Feels like a barbarian not being able to communicate with people of the new land, had to use body language and was exiled from Rome. 
-"Injured the power of Caesar the god," in result was sent to assimilate with the Scythian race as a punishment
-Believes she deserved to be exiled but not to such a city 
-Portrays the Anglo-Saxon culture of eighth century Britain
-Beowulf: sword-wielding slayer of monsters, upholder of the right, warrior-chieftain
-Takes place in sixth century Scandinavia, speaks Old English
-Beowulf seeks to help the Danish King Hrothgar in fighting the swampland monster, Grendel.
-Scops often told long narrative poems by mouth in Anglo-Saxon England which resulted in it's change and growth
-The Electronic Beowulf Project revived the burnt original manuscripts of Beowulf
-He was the strongest man, Beowulf was going to kill the "monster"


So during the week that Dr. Preston was gone. I could say that MY university was very much catching up on all my work that I hadn't got done. This class during the week he was gone was very much up to me, if I wanted to work and be productive. This week showed me how much I shouldn't procrastinate.

Hokey Pokey WHAT

Just a little something that we did when our beloved teacher was across the pond.