Monday, December 8, 2014

Remix THAT Poem!

This is a remix of my journey with the organization Special Olympics and the pictures I have taken a long the way through the poem "Working Together" by David Whyte. Special Olympics is an organization that I hold close to my heart and I wanted to show some of my experiences through this poem. 

Working Together
by David Whyte
Remixed with Jhaicelle's pictures

We shape our self
to fit this world
(I found this picture on instagram or some social media outlet and I saved it to my camera roll because I do that a lot, so no I did not take or own this picture. But I felt like this is a great picture that resembles these first two lines because we care so much about our appearance and we certainly get judged because of our differences.) 

and by the world
are shaped again.

(I thought this picture was very ironic because even tales when we were younger, show so much meaning. Even if we have one thing different about ourselves we get judged because of it.)

The visible
and the invisible

(I took this picture when I was in New Jersey/ New York for the Special Olympics 2014 USA Games Youth Summit. I think this picture symbols freedom and how we can create opportunities for ourself and others.) 

working together
in common cause,

(This picture also is from when I was in New Jersey for the Special Olympics 2014 Games, These are all the youth leaders and mentors from all around the country who attended this summit and I thought it represented these lines in the poem because it shows that we are all working for a common cause) 

to produce 
the miraculous.

(This is also another picture from when I was in New Jersey when I was watching a soccer game for team Southern California and I think it symbolizes these lines in the poem because these fans & families gave so much support and love and that is just a "miraculous" thing.) 

I am thinking of the way
the intangible air

(This was taken when I went to the 2013 Special Olympics Youth Summit in North Carolina and I met this gem. Her name is Danielle Libel who was a Special Olympics athlete who has cerebral palsy and she recently established her own non-profit called DIFFERbilities Experience. She actually is one of my role models. Look her up she is so amazing! or watch one of these videos! 

passed at speed
round a shaped wing

(This picture was when I first started volunteering with Special Olympics and I think this symbolizes when I first realized this was going to be one of my favorite things to do. I think this symbolizes these lines because even though I wasn't always apart of Special Olympics, I still found a love for it.) 

holds our weight.

(This picture was from 3 years ago when I first started volunteering and our Special Ed department & the athletes made this card for our club because we always raise money to buy them awesome uniforms. It symbolizes the two lines in the poem because they didn't have to give us a special card but they did and it just shows how much respect we have for each other and essentially holding each others "weight.") 

So may we, in this life

( This is a picture of me and Tommy a Special Olympics athlete from Righetti at Homecoming. I'm so happy that he got to experience a high school dance and that he was so welcomed at the dance. Sadly he wasn't my date but he was the Homecoming Queen's date! This symbolizes these two lines because it gave him trust in our world that we aren't all mean.) 

to those elements
we have yet to see

(This is a picture of me and my mentor at the 2014 USA Games and I think this symbolizes how much we are still striving for. This statue is like the rings you see in the Olympics.)

or imagine,
and look for the true

(These are two athletes from Southern California in New Jersey getting there awards for Bocce. The joy in their faces show me that we still can "work together" and spread happiness.)

shape of our own self,
by forming it well

(Picture of Me when I went to New York for Special Olympics and took a picture with the Empire State Building and if you ever heard of the meaning "empire state of mind" meaning that my hopes and dreams will come to life.) 

to the great 
intangibles about us.

(These are pictures from last year's R-Word Campaign lunch activity here at Righetti and I think this is a great ending picture because even though we have so much negative, we some how do the impossible and even though it was a small difference we still made some difference. And there is hope for humanity.) 

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