Monday, May 4, 2015

Macbeth Act 5 Questions

1. What has the gentlewoman seen Lady Macbeth do (5.1.1-15)? Why won't she tell the Doctor what Lady Macbeth said?
Sleepwalk. She doesn't want to lie and wants the speech to be justified so the other woman doesn't get in trouble for saying something wrong that lady Macbeth didn't say.
2. What does Lady Macbeth reveal in her sleepwalking speeches and actions (5.1.23-58)? To what does the Doctor relate this in 5.1.61-69? What is he suggesting in lines 66-67?
Her guilty actions of murders she has done. Subconscious will let out the guilt she feels when she cannot let it out consciously. He thinks he knows what she has done but he will not speak of it because it is based in assumption.
1. Where are the soldiers heading in 5.2? Whose side are they on? What do the mentions of Birnam Wood (line 5) and Dunsinane (line 12) remind us of?
To Dunisdance, they are on Malcom's side, and the witches' prophecy.
1. What reports are the servants bringing to Macbeth (5.3.1)? Why does Macbeth say he is not afraid? What does he think about himself in lines 20-29?
That they are outnumbered because they are all born of women and he cannot be hurt.
2. What does the Doctor say about Lady Macbeth (lines 39-46)? What does Macbeth wish the Doctor could do (lines 52-58)?
That she is in a grave condition and he wished he could cure her.
1. What does Malcolm tell the soldiers to do (5.4.4-7)? What effect do you expect this to have on Macbeth?
To cover themselves with wood so Macbeth;s army does not know how many soldiers he has.
1. What does "the cry of women" signify (, 15)? Read Macbeth's famous speech in lines 16-27 carefully. What is he saying? How does he feel about life at this point?
The death of Lady Macbeth and that life keeps going on. It's unimportant and so insignificant.
2. What news does the messenger bring in lines 28-33? How does Macbeth react to this news? What does he now think of the witches (lines 40-46)? (Notice the return of "equivocation" in line 41.) Yet what is his mood at the end of the scene (lines 49-50)? Will he go out with a whimper?
That Birnam Wood is moving closer to Dunisdance castle. That they are equivocal, and they had a double meaning to what they had told him and he will fight until he is killed.
1. What is Macbeth's attitude at the beginning of the scene (lines 1-4)? What happens in his encounter with Young Siward?
Confident he can take on Macduff's army and Youn Siward is killed.
5.8 (5.7 continues in most editions)
1. Who is Macduff looking for and why (lines 1-10)?
He was looking for Macbeth because he wanted to fight him and kill him because he didn't want to fight any of his soldiers.
5.11 (5.8 continues in most editions)
1. How upset is Siward at his son's death? Why?
He's not very upset because he died with honor and he died fighting.
2. What does Malcolm promise his followers (lines 26-41)? What does he tell us about Lady Macbeth's death (line 36-37)? Should we believe him? (He is her enemy, after all-but remember the Doctor's instructions in 5.1.66-67.)

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