Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Masterpiece Academy Follow Up

Jhaicelle Laron 

Dr. Preston 

AP English 

9 June 2015 

Masterpiece Academy Follow Up 

             With this course all students were treated as colleagues and we have been given a great deal of trust and I think most of the students in this class this year deserved it because we all took a class like this to better ourselves and push us further than other students. Then it comes to the other students that I don't think deserved this type of trust because they do not take anything seriously and not actually try to really think. I believe this class makes you think and when I say think, I mean actually analyze everything we did in this class. 

            Fiction has been called "the lie that tells the truth." I believe that Brave New World, Hamlet, and The Laughing Heart all played a part in my journey of either learning something new or finding something within myself. I believe that the book Brave New World taught me that even though generations change, we as a society will be similar no matter what.  Hamlet taught me that all people are crazy. Lastly, The Laughing Heart taught me that I can and will do anything I want and succeed. 

          I have reconnected with a passion I wanting to learn all the time. I have found that I love learning about anything. This course has taught me to listen and keep attentive to anything because you never know what is going to happen. 

           Something in this course that made me laugh out loud was how at the end of the year I got closer to people that I usually don't hang out with and sharing those inside jokes. These jokes were made on the Yosemite trip. I loved that trip! 

            I believe a unifying theme in all the presentations I saw was love for their masterpiece and how it made them who they are and what they want to become. I believe the masterpiece academy was great because it showed us maybe something that everyone doesn't already know. Seeing people present on something they are passionate about like Laike's art or Bridget's healthy living or Haley's interior design ideas. These were just a few people that I got to see into their world a little bit more. It showed me that we are all different but we all love something so much so dearly. 

             A literary technique that I will hold in my mind forever is bildungsroman. Bildungsroman is dealing with one person's formative year or spiritual education. I believe that this literary technique is one that I believe I can always use. I like this literary technique because we can always relate. 


Monday, June 1, 2015